Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Diversity in the Classroom. Media Influences

To Do: Begin by analyzing the short “State of the village report” from 2005 originally created by Donella H. Meadows.

To Watch: What it takes to be racially literate? Watch this short TED talk by Priya Vulchi and Winona Guo, the two amazing teenagers and the authors of the student-run organization CHOOSE, to overcome racism and inspire harmony through exposure, education, and empowerment AND authors of  The Classroom Index, a textbook devoted to racial literacy:

Ask yourself: Could I be racist? How to tell if I am?  Racism is when you draw conclusions about people based on racial stereotypes and believe that some races are better than others.  Consider the questions, answer them to yourself.

image source:

To read, print, or bookmark, and use in your classroom: Although equity has become a popular term, many teachers are uncertain about achieving it. Dr. Gail Thomson created an “An Equity Affirmation for Educators" sheet that you can use daily as a teacher.

To Do: Introduce yourself as a teacher and ask your favorite AI (recommended ChatGPT app). Use the voice option (headphones icon) to engage in a continuous discussion) 
What is culturally responsive teaching?
Possible follow-up question ideas: 
- What are the key components of culturally responsive teaching?
- Can you break down the concept to four bullet points ? 
- How would that concept work in 5th-grade math class?
- Provide some examples for high school students and literature
-What is a potential downside of using culturally responsive teaching? ...

To read: “Key Characteristics of a Multicultural Curriculum” by P. Gorski. (here is a pdf version of that resource)

To read: Communicating Cross-Culturally: What Teachers Should Know. This is a good article for teachers with ELL students in their classrooms. It highlights five points of cultural difference that all teachers should be aware of when teaching diverse backgrounds.

To do: Books Matter! As a teacher, you will build your classroom library. Browse and save the list of titles collected by ADL  (The Anti-Defamation League) with the power to instill empathy, affirm children’s sense of self, teach about others, transport them to new places, and inspire actions on behalf of social justice. 

To watch: “Misconceptions; Do’s & Don’ts of a 1st Year Teacher” created by Mississippi State University students about racial stereotypes (4 min)

To browse and bookmark (pin?) the Kid World Citizen organization on Pinterest  for a variety of multicultural activities and resources.

To browse: (browse classroom resources) 

To do: Take a quick tour of Dollar Street -  Everyone lives on Dollar Street. We all have some things in common. See how people around the world live. Could the investigation of different living styles and conditions help your students build a global perspective?

Additional resources (not required):

Extra Credit OpportunityComplete Google's Support English Language Learners training. This activity provides strategies for educators to create culturally responsive learning environments. - When done take a screenshot of the course page showing your login and when the course was passed, and submit it to the Extra Credit assignment submission folder. 

ISTE Standards  for students

#2 Digital Citizen: Students recognize the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of living, learning, and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal, and ethical.

#3c Knowledge Constructor: Students curate information from digital resources using various tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
#3d  Knowledge Constructor: Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories, and pursuing answers and solutions.

ISTE Standards for educators connection:  

#3a Citizen: Educators create experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that build relationships and community.

#3b Citizen: Educators Establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and critical examination of online resources and fosters digital literacy and media fluency.

# 4d Collaborator: Educators demonstrate cultural competency when communicating with students, parents, and colleagues and interact with them as co-collaborators in student learning.

To browse and bookmark (pin?) resources collected by Dr. Gail L. Thompson. She shares great equity-related resources for teachers 

To read:  a short article about challenges in defining Multicultural Education and the areas of social transformation.

To browse: - Free tools for a fact-based worldview

To read: We use media in different ways. The same media content may gratify different needs for different individuals—the resources below explaining the media's effects from the point of view of audiences.

    Needs and Gratifications model of the Media by Blumler &  Katz)

To read: 10 Ways Youth Can Engage in Activism.

To do: Explore resources for older students to help stop discrimination and bias   

To watch:  the An Anti-Bullying Message From the NOH8 Campaign (2.27 min)

To watch: 10 Misconceptions about Muslim: 

To read: Information for Teens: The Media &Your Life - How the media affects Teens & Young Adults.

To watch:  The digital story about the depression and issues faced by Asian American girl - pay attention to the poem in the story (also typed under the video) (5.29 min)

To watch: video about Microagressions in a classroom

To watchElders React to Nicki Minaj - Anaconda  (Age diversity)

Everybody in advertising is blonde, beautiful, families are happy, cars are never in traffic, everything is shiny, food looks like it's incredibly tasteful. I ask myself ... Controversial artist Olivero Toscani on ad influence

"Everybody in advertising is blonde, beautiful, families are happy, cars are never in traffic, everything is shiny, food looks like it's incredibly tasteful. I ask myself ... How Stupid are we" Controversial artist  Olivero Toscani on ad influence